In a rare video interview, Pavel Durov, the enigmatic founder of Telegram, recently opened up to journalist Tucker Carlson about his personal wealth, the potential Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Telegram, and the favorable business climate in the UAE. Recorded in February 2024 but only published on Carlson's channel on April 16, this discussion offers a glimpse into the mind of a man who claims to eschew luxury despite possessing a fortune.

During the interview, Durov revealed that he has several hundred million dollars in both cash and Bitcoin, an accumulation that predates his current projects by over a decade. "For me, [Telegram] was never about the money. I had these millions ten years ago and did nothing with them," Durov stated. He emphasized that he owns no real estate, private planes, or yachts, valuing freedom over material wealth.

Durov, who has been at the helm of Telegram as CEO and the sole product manager for many years, attributes the rapid growth of Telegram to his unique approach to business. "The explosive growth of Telegram is the result of our business practices," he remarked. Despite the platform's success, he mentioned that the company currently employs only about 30 people, which underscores his commitment to maintaining a lean operation.

Regarding the potential for a Telegram IPO, Durov expressed caution. Although rumors of an IPO have circulated for years, he clarified that such a move is not imminent. Back in March 2024, he suggested that if an IPO were to happen, it would serve to "democratize access to the messenger," noting that Telegram's potential market valuation could exceed $30 billion.

The interview also touched on several other topics:

  • Durov commented on the increased scrutiny from U.S. authorities.
  • He warned that all smartphones, whether iOS or Android, are compromised, hinting at the future possibility of specially secured devices.
  • Durov praised the UAE for its business-friendly environment, highlighting its low taxes and minimal bureaucracy.
  • He acknowledged the positive impact of billionaire Elon Musk's involvement with the social media platform X.
  • Finally, Durov shared his belief that the key to Telegram's success lies in creating a quality product that naturally attracts users.

This comprehensive interview sheds light on Durov's philosophical stance on wealth and his strategic approach to business, offering insights into the values and decisions that drive the success of Telegram.